Exploring careers in construction

Being able to explore career options in a fun, interactive format with hands-on activities and meet representatives from local employers, universities and apprenticeship programs probably sounds like a dream come true for many high school students. For students in BOCES 2 Intro to Construction class at the Career and Technical Education (CTE) Center, this dream became a reality at the annual Rochester Careers in Construction Day at the Monroe County Fleet Center.

Thirteen students from the class attended the event, trying their hand at using equipment by bending pipes, soldering copper pipes, hammering nails, laying bricks, and driving skid-steers, excavators and bucket lifts. Several students also participated in the popsicle stick bridge contest, designing and building their own bridges out of popsicle sticks. CTE students built an impressive bridge that landed them second place in the competition.

Intro to Construction Instructor Jakob Bartalo expressed the pride he felt in his students. “They were focused, engaged and asked a lot of meaningful questions,” he said. “Some of them even dressed up and went to the event with the purpose of finding a job.” It was clear from the smiles on their faces that students were enjoying the opportunity to experience what might lie ahead for them post-graduation.