Breaking Boundaries at Westview

Creating art by pushing technology beyond what it was designed to do is an everyday occurrence in art teacher Tom Carpenter’s studio at Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES’ Westview in the Department for Exceptional Children/Westside Academy. His students are constantly experimenting with traditional art media, 3-D printing, cutting-edge digital design programs and innovative ceramic techniques. They also benefit from Carpenter’s rare expertise with the creative use of electrophotographic (xerographic) technology.

Electrophotography may be an old technology – invented in 1938 by Xerox’s Chester Carlson – but Carpenter’s students are using it in new ways. Detailed, large format photographic images can be created, without a darkroom or chemicals. The process allows students to manipulate their images to express their own individual aesthetic. Westview students, like Thomas who is drawn to science and technology, enjoy the creativity involved in breaking established rules and thinking in unexpected ways.