Guest Chef Visits CTE Bakery Class

Former Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES Career and Technical Education (CTE) student and current professional Chef Olivia Pellegrino visited the baking program at the CTE Center recently. She now works for University of Rochester food services and is involved in efforts to have all of the university’s food supply sourced locally. Her visit included a lesson in how to make cocoa bombs. This popular food item encases ingredients for hot cocoa in a chocolate shell.

The cocoa bomb production required lining half-round molds with chocolate and waiting for them to harden. Once ready, students had to quickly press the edge of the chocolate half-spheres against a hot pan to create a perfectly smooth edge, which was needed for a solid seal. Next they filled one half with cocoa mix and treats, and then sealed the top half onto the bottom half of the bomb. The final step was decorating the outside. Students were enthusiastic about working with chocolate, with each of them assembling two cocoa bombs apiece.