The evolving role of the high school library

“The school library is no longer just for reading, studying and academics,” said Sarah Amorese, library media specialist at Churchville-Chili High School. “All of that still happens here, but it’s also a hub for technology, career exploration and collaboration. In addition, the library is a safe place for students to relax and decompress from the day’s pressures.”

“Some students have anxiety about being back in school,” she said. “Others feel pressure to keep up academically or have difficulty interacting with peers. We’re making the library a stress-free zone.”

That means giving students options to spending their time in front of a digital screen, with relaxing alternative activities, including board games or jigsaw puzzles. “When students need a break, they can find things to do here that are mindful, not just academic,” said Amorese. “They can spend time unwinding alone, or playing together, face to face. Play is good for all of us, regardless of age.”