Fitness Buddies Help Each Other Grow

At WEMOCO Career and Technical Education Center, Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES CTE Exercise Science students learn about exercise physiology, training, anatomy and nutrition to enter the workforce or continue their studies after high school. Less than one mile away, BOCES 2 Village Plaza One Transition Program students learn daily living skills, self-regulation, functional communication and socialization to thrive as independent and confident adults.

The paths of these students come together every Wednesday when the CTE students trek over to the Transition students and connect with their Fitness Buddies. Through Fitness Buddies, two students from different programs and with different abilities are paired up to work through a variety of exercises. Exercise Science students demonstrate a skill, assist their buddy, offer words of encouragement and celebrate the Transition students’ victories, often with high fives.

Both program’s students benefit from the interactions. CTE students learn professional and leadership skills; Transition students grow in confidence, learn healthy lifestyle habits and make new friends.