Meeting the Folks Who Keep Us Safe

Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES Hospitality and Applied Services (HaAS) and Career Skills Center (CSC) classes welcomed local first responders to the Exceptional Children Learning Center this winter. Representatives from the Gates Fire District, Monroe Ambulance and the Monroe County Sherriff’s Office spoke about their jobs and shared important guidance on how best to interact with first responders during an emergency.

Much of the conversation was centered around preparing for an emergency. The first responders encouraged everyone to create an emergency binder full of useful information that could be handed to a first responder upon their arrival. This information will help first responders know the best way to communicate and interact with the people they are responding to. Following their presentations, visitors brought out several hands-on items, including parts of their uniforms, tools and equipment. Students even got to sit in a patrol car.

 Thank you, Firefighter Kalli Herouvis, EMT Madi Ball, and Deputy Jonathan Payne for your service and for taking the time out of your busy schedules to visit with our students.